deps: bump sitekit-php dependency to 3.13.3 (aeb063d)
deps: update dependency org.mockito:mockito-core to v5.11.0 (d4d984c)
- Release 3.13.0 (4170a1f)
- re-add /content/ in URL of distributionManagement (2338a74)
- format pom.xml (281c0ad)
- excplitily declare processing of annotations (df86a83)
- update build image (df602c9)
- reformat pom.xml (2dd7bf6)
- Set version for next development iteration [skip ci] (70472d5)
deps: bump sitekit-php version to next snapshot (92aad96)
- removed duplicate developer entry (5dc03a0)
deps: update dependency org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin to v3.2.0 (e60b20e)
- Set version for next development iteration [skip ci] (46fe51b)